About BioNano Genomics
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About BioNano Genomics

It is very helpful if you know a little bit of whole genome sequence history. The global human genome was started by globalist Clinton Administration in the 90s. The whole purpose is to better understand all human and non-human species on their genome structure so we could develop better medicines. So, less populated developed countries led by US to send billions of dollars to some most populated countries. Thus ILNM started to have the best NG and started to make tons of money on whole genome assembly projects.

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Herd Psychology Effect on Investment Decision
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Herd Psychology Effect on Investment Decision

When it comes to making investment decisions, herding is a key factor. It's a behavioral pattern that affects a vast range of industries. During the last century, the American Economic Association was made up mostly of college professors of economics and the social sciences. But today, the membership has expanded to over 20,000 members. The problem with this pattern is that it can make investing a risky proposition.

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Yatirim Tavsiyesidir*
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Yatirim Tavsiyesidir*

Geleneksel ekonomi, her varlığın yalnızca temel metriklere göre değerlenebileceğini öğretir: nakit akışları, kazançlar, sermaye yapısı ve satış büyümesi önemli olan tek şeydir. Ama gerçekte, bunun tek basina doğru olmadığını bugunku piyasalara bakaraktan anlayabiliyoruz. Temel analizin değerlemeler üzerinde bir tekel hali yoktur keza beklenti ​​​​hikayeleriyle sürekli bir paradoks haline girer. Analiz yaparken salt temel analiz ile, “davranissal ekonomi” ilkelerini de hesaba katmadan hareket etmek sizi uzun vadede bile koruyamayabilir.

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